- Service Agreement: Contracts for service provision, outlining terms and conditions for service delivery.
- Treaty of Nardob: An international treaty formulating agreements between nations or parties.
- Labor Contract: Agreements for employment terms, responsibilities, and compensation between employers and employees.
- Lease Agreement: Contracts for renting real estate properties, specifying rental terms and obligations.
- Rental Agreement: Similar to a lease agreement, it’s used for renting items, equipment, or vehicles.
- Purchase Agreement: Contracts for buying goods or services, detailing transaction terms, pricing, and delivery.
- Loan Agreement: Agreements for lending or borrowing money, defining repayment terms and interest rates.
- Debt Recognition Agreement: Contracts acknowledging and outlining the repayment of outstanding debts.
- Partnership Agreement: Documents the terms of a partnership, including profit-sharing, responsibilities, and decision-making processes.
- Franchise Agreement: Governs the relationship between a franchisor and franchisee, outlining rights, obligations, and fees.
- Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA): Protects sensitive information by legally binding parties to confidentiality.
- Joint Venture Agreement: Establishes terms and conditions for a collaborative business venture between two or more parties.
- Consulting Agreement: Defines the scope, compensation, and expectations for consulting services.
- Intellectual Property (IP) Agreement: Governs the rights and usage of intellectual property, such as patents, trademarks, and copyrights.
- Agency Agreement: Appoints an agent to act on behalf of another party and outlines their authority and responsibilities.
- Construction Contract: Specifies terms and conditions for construction projects, including timelines and payment schedules.
- Distribution Agreement: Details the distribution rights and responsibilities between manufacturers and distributors.
- Employment Contract: Specifies the terms of employment, including job roles, salary, benefits, and termination conditions.
- Real Estate Purchase Agreement: Legalizes the sale of real estate properties, defining terms, conditions, and purchase price.
STARCO Contract Writing Service: Contact STARCO at +995 574 355 888 (whatsapp available) or email info@starco.ge for professional contract drafting and customization services for any type of contract. We ensure your contracts are legally sound and tailored to your specific needs.